Categories for Home

Using AI for Home Decorating

With AI (artificial intelligence) rapidly infiltrating every area of our lives, home design inspiration is no exception. There are a variety of AI interior design programs or apps to choose from, many with free versions or trials, and for a fee, you can access advanced features. So how can you ...

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DIY Outdoor Space Makeover Tips

If you have an outdoor space that you have been able to enjoy time in this summer, perhaps that space is looking a little tired and could use a little refresh right about now. For a flash of change try adding new lighting – a touch of whimsy, string lights ...

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Eco-Friendly Floors

Choosing new or replacement eco-friendly flooring is one of the emerging trends among house and condo owners. Eco-friendly flooring is made from, or with, more sustainable resources, such as materials that don’t deplete or permanently damage the environment (such as toxic laminates), or reusable or recyclable materials. Here are some ...

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Home Security Systems Continue to Evolve

Until recently, even the latest home security system could become obsolete overnight. Nowadays, newer whole-home integration systems are much more compatible with interchangeable parts and innovative add-ons. As a result, it’s now possible to have a multi-faceted security system that watches over many of the functions and activities in and ...

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